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IARCEES ANNUAL CONFERENCES & SPECIAL EVENTSBook launch and AGMOn Friday, 26 May 23, IARCEES launched Maria Falina's book 'Religion and Politics in Interwar Yugoslavia: Serbian Nationalism and East Orthodox Christianity'. The launch was organised by the DCU School of History and Geography and IARCEES, and took place from 4-6pm at DCU Belvedere House. Prior to the launch, the AGM was held as a hybrid event. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Symposium on "Ukraine: Empire, War and Migration Symposium", University of Galway, 7-8 Oct 2022Centre for Investigation of Transnational Encounters (CITE) Organised by Dr Róisín Healy For more information, the programme and to register, go to the Symposium website. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 44th IARCEES Annual and International Conference"Populism and Illiberalism within East, Central and Southeast Europe", 15-17 Sept 2022, NUIMThe annual conference investigated populism and illiberalism within different European states. The conference, which took place in hybrid format, was a very well-attended and successful event, and great thanks are due to the organisers, Dr Aneta StĚpień and JP Newman (both NUI Maynooth). The conference was opened by a public keynote lecture by Elżbieta Korolczuk, Södertörn University & University of Warsaw, on Thursday, 15 Sept 2022, who spoke on 'Understanding the relation between populism and gender in contemporary Europe'. A recording is available on our Facebook page. The AGM took place on Saturday, 17 Sept 2022. A new committee was elected, with Dr Aneta Stępień (NUI Maynooth) at the helm as President, and Dr Róisín Healy (NUI Galway) and Keith Harrington (NUI Maynooth) taking up the posts of Treasurer and Secretary respectively. Warm thanks were extended to outgoing President, JP Newman, outgoing Secretary of 5 years' tenure Lili Zách, Treasurer Aneta Stępień, and long-serving committee member, Ludmila Snigireva, for their role in developing the Association. IARCEES Conference Programme 2022 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IARCEES Virtual Roundtable on the Russian invasion of UkrainePresented by IARCEES and the Moore Institute (NUI Galway), Tue, 8 March, 5pmWe are pleased to invite the general public, students and academic staff, to a virtual roundtable on the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Short presentations will be delivered by members of the Association, whose research focuses on or is related to the region, and will be followed by a Q&A session. The meeting will be held on Zoom on Tuesday 8th March, 5pm (GMT). Register here: Roundtable speakers:Dr Tetyana Lokot, Ukrainian resistance and mobilisation: national and transnational dynamics and decolonial histories (DCU) Maciej Cupryś, Putin's Historical Propaganda and the reality of Ukrainian Nationalism (NUI Galway) Dr Róisín Healy, Ireland and Ukraine: Historical Parallels (NUI Galway) Dr Aneta StĚpień, The failure of anti-Ukrainian propaganda in Poland (NUI Maynooth) Dr Maria Falina, How can they believe it? Thinking behind Putin's propaganda in Russia (DCU) The discussion will be chaired by Dr John Paul Newman (NUI Maynooth) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 43rd Annual IARCEES conference "Environment, Territory, Mobility", 20-21 May 2021, UCDThis conference focused on the ways in which the physical spaces of Russia, Eurasia and Central/Eastern Europe intersect with wider aspects of social, political, economic and cultural change. Papers addressed topics associated with human-nature relationships; mobilities and migrations; and territorial identity, organisation and re-constitution. Read the complete CFP (This call is now closed.) For more information, please contact Dr Jennifer Keating, Assistant Professor of Modern East European History, University College Dublin. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Postgraduate IARCEES Workshop 'Central and Eastern Europe: Past, Present and Future', UL, 28 February 2020The purpose of the workshop is to bring students researching central and eastern Europe, as well as the former USSR, together, to exchange ideas and network. This year the workshop will be held at the University of Limerick on 28/2/2020 and is being organised by Marina Selnitsyna and Sven Milekic. Please see the CFP for further information about the workshop. (The call is now closed.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 42nd IARCEES Annual and International Conference 'State and non-state actors in Eastern and Central Europe: Past, present and future', Dublin City University, 9–11 May 2019Image: Cristian Iohan Ştefănescu/Flickr, CC BY 2.0. The conference was organised by Dr Maria Falina and Dr Tanya Lokot, both of DCU, who put together a most stimulating programme. It featured a public keynote by Dr. Samuel Greene, King’s College London on "Russia’s Putin: The Co-Construction of Russian Authoritarianism". Another highlight of the conference was the launch by Judith Devlin, UCD, of "Mobility in the Russian, Central and East European Past", a volume edited by Róisín Healy, NUI Galway, that arose out of the 2017 conference. The AGM discussed and approved an update to the Association's constitution. View Programme (PDF, 78 KB) View Keynote flier (PDF, 216 KB) View Call for Papers (PDF, 573 KB)
“1918 and the Old-New Europe”, IARCEES Seminar, NUI Maynooth, 18–19 October 2018Seminar programme (PDF, 294KB) The Armistice of 1918 and the subsequent re-organisation of East-Central Europe into a region of nation-states is an historical moment hardly less revolutionary than the events in Russia the preceding year. In the centennial year of these important transformations, we propose a workshop that re-visits 1918. A series of panel sessions will discuss different perspectives and approaches for understanding the important changes that took place in the region at this time, focussing especially on transnational connections, structural and historical continuities, and marginal voices that have been fully or partially concealed by the emphasis on a national tabula rasa in 1918. We contend that 1918 is an ambiguous and contradictory pivot, one which created an ‘Old-New Europe’ caught between the forces of the imperial past and those of the national future. At the workshop, Prof Judith Devlin and Prof Geoff Roberts, two long-serving members of the Association were made Honorary Life Members in recognition of their contribution to the Russian, Central and East European Studies. The workshop was made possible through generous support from the Decades of Commemoration Committee at Maynooth University, the Irish Association of Russian, Central, and Eastern European Studies, the Embassies of the Czech Republic (Czechia) and Slovakia, and the Jean Monnet Chair (Professor John O’Brennan) at the Centre for European and Eurasian Studies), Maynooth University.
“Rethinking Stalin and Stalinism”. Seminar to mark the retirement of past President of IARCEES, Prof Geoff Roberts, 3–4 May 2018, University College Cork
The seminar was dedicated to Prof Geoff Robert' main reseach interest, which was addressed in a public keynote lecture by Prof Chris Read, University of Warwick, and by eight invited presentations. It was a pleasure to witness the stimulating exchanges and personal dedications in a fitting celebration of the work of one of IARCEES' longstanding active members and former President.
41st IARCEES Annual and International Conference, 'Journeys', Moore Institute, NUI Galway, 4–6 May 2017
During the conference, Věra Čapková was awarded Honorary Life Membership of IARCEES for her services to the development of slavonic studies in Ireland. View flyer for Keynote (PDF, 324KB) View conference programme (PDF, 458KB) View abstracts (Word document, 269KB) IARCEES would like to thank VP Róisín Healy for her hard work in bringing this conference together. We would also like to acknowledge the generous support of the Discipline of History, the School of Humanities, the Office of the President, all at NUI Galway, the Embassy of the Russian Federation, Fáilte Ireland and Meet in Ireland.
40th IARCEES Annual and International Conference, ‘Individuals and Institutions in Europe and Eurasia ’, Maynooth University, 6–8 May, 2016This conference was organised by Dr John Paul Newman, Dr Elzbieta Drazkiewicz, Mr Hassan Ould Moctar and was again a very successful conference. Following the keynote given by Dr Mark Cornwall, University of Southampton, Honorary Life Membership was conferred in a special presentation on Prof. Stephen White of Glasgow University for his services to the development of slavonics studies in the UK and Ireland. View Conference Programme (PDF, 921KB) View dedicated conference site
39th IARCEES Annual Conference: 'Memories and Identities in Central and Eastern Europe', Trinity College Dublin, 7–10 May, 2015The conference was organized by Dr Balázs Apor, Dr Conny Opitz and Dr Aneta Stępień of the Department of Russian and Slavonic Studies and the Center for European Studies. The keynote was given by Polly Jones (Oxford) on ‘The Many Uses of the Usable Past: Rethinking Revolution(s) in Late Socialism’. The programme featured 60 papers across 12 panels delivered by Irish and international delegates, and a well-attended pub night. View conference programme (PDF, 650KB) View book of abstracts (PDF, 650KB) The organisers would like to thank the students who helped during the running of the conference: Anna Tebbenhoff, Liath Gleeson, Vanda Jericevic, David Gaughran and Nicole Wyrick. Members who haven't claimed their copy of Irish Slavonic Studies, Vols. 24 and 25, at the conference, please contact Jonathan Murphy. We also offer Irish Slavonic Studies, Vol. 22, 'Stalin: His Times and Ours' (2005, ed. Geoff Roberts) at a special price of €10 plus postage (discount for multiple copies). Please order from the editor. Sponsors
38th Annual Conference: 'The Great War in Central and Eastern Europe: Politics, Culture and Society', UCD, 9–10 May 2014This very successful conference was organised by Dr Judith Devlin and Dr Suzanne Darcy of the School of History and Archives and Centre for War Studies at UCD. View conference programme (PDF file, 216KB)
37th Annual Conference: 'Communism and Post-Communism: Transition, Transformation, Stagnation, Regression', DCU, 15-16 March 2013The conference was organised by Dr Donnacha Ó Beacháin and featured 19 panels and a round table on "Informal economies in post-socialism: actors and dynamics" (convened by Abel Polese (Tallinn University) and Jeremy Morris (University of Birmingham)). View conference programme (PDF file, 379KB) The annual conference was a great success. We'd like to thank Dr Donnacha Ó Beacháin and his team for a job well done. Members who attended the conference were able to pick up their copy of ISS24 (2012); others can collect their copy from TCD, or have it posted - please contact Balazs Apor with your preference. Presenters and members of the association are invited to submit papers for volume 26 of Irish Slavonic Studies.
'Russian-East European Relations: From Tsarism to Gazprom', UCC, 4-5 May 2012The annual conference was organised by Jonathan Murphy, Richard McMahon and Geoff Roberts. The guest lecture was given by Peter Duncan of UCL on ‘Moscow and the Changing “Eastern Europe”, from Gorbachev to Putin: Withdrawal and Resurgence?’. View conference programme and abstracts (PDF file, 152KB)
'The collapse of the Soviet Union: 20 years on', TCD, 14-17 April 2011
The conference was organised back-to-back with the 'Relocating cultures' conference (Sarah Smyth, "Our languages") held 13-15 April 2011, and started with a public lecture/conversation between Professor Kuvaldin (Moscow State University) and Professor Ron Hill (Trinity College Dublin). View conference programme (PDF file, 342KB) View abstract of the public lecture (Word document, 22KB) View abstracts of papers (Word document, 90KB) View selected photographs from both conferences.
'Private Lives, Public Personas: Memoirs, Diaries, Biography, and Personal Narrative under Communism', UCD, 23-24 April 2010The conference was organised by Susan Grant, James Ryan and Judith Devlin. View conference poster (Word document, 4.59MB) View conference programme (Word document, 25KB) A representative selection of photographs taken at the conference can be viewed here.
'1989 - 20 Years on', CSWE, NUIM, 8th-9th May 2009The conference was organised by Christian Noack and John O'Brennan. View conference programme (PDF file, 114KB) View abstracts of papers (Word document, 46KB)
'70 Years After: The Impact of Munich 1938 on Central and Eastern Europe', TCD, 9th-10th May 2008The conference was organised by Justin Doherty and Guido Hausmann. View conference programme (Word document, 37KB) View conference report (Word document, 28KB)
Annual Conference, UL, 18th-19th May 2007The conference was organised by Neil Robinson. View conference programme (Word document, 28KB)
'1956: De-Stalinisation and Revolt in Popular Memory', UCD, 11th-12th May 2006The conference was organised by Judith Devlin and Derek Hutcheson. View conference programme (Word document, 37.5KB)
Annual Conference, NUI Galway, May 2005The conference was organised by Ros Dixon.
'The implications of EU Enlargement', TCD, 14th-16th May 2004The conference was organised by Dmitri Tsiskarashvili and Patrick O'Meara. View conference programme (Word document, 51KB) View AGM report (Word document, 33KB)
'Stalin – His Times and Ours', UCC, 9th-11th May 2003The conference was organised by Geoff Roberts. View conference programme (Word document, 23KB) View AGM report (Word document, 28KB)
Annual Conference/Platonov Symposium, Magee College, 16th-19th May 2002The conference was organised by Ayleen Teskey. View conference programme (Word document, 42KB) View AGM report (Word document, 29KB)